You’re hosting an exploratory call with a regional trucking company that came to you because it’s interested in a website redesign. Which of the following questions would be best to help set the stage for positioning Growth-Driven Design later in the sales process?

Question: You’re hosting an exploratory call with a regional trucking company that came to you because it’s interested in a website redesign. Which of the following questions would be best to help set the stage for positioning Growth-Driven Design later in the sales process?

  • “What do you like and not like about your competitors’ websites?”
  • “How do you feel your previous website redesigns went? How did the process make you feel?”
  • “What would be the biggest change you’d like to make to the website and why?”
  • “How long did it take to develop the content for your website? Was it created internally or by the agency you were working with?”

The right answer was: “How do you feel your previous website redesigns went? How did the process make you feel?”

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