What is social engagement?

Question: What is social engagement?

This question have 2 different answers, please read carefully.

  • The step you take to have conversations with individuals talking about your industry, brand, products, and services.
  • The method of actively looking for mentions and conversations that pertain to your brand, products, hashtags, and more.
  • How you track, analyze, and respond to conversations across the internet.
  • A method of changing art, music, governments, and businesses.


  • Having conversations with individuals talking about your industry, brand, products, and services
  • Actively looking for mentions and conversations that pertain to your brand, products, hashtags, and more
  • Tracking, analyzing, and responding to conversations across the internet
  • Participating in art, music, and government

The right answer was: The step you take to have conversations with individuals talking about your industry, brand, products, and services. or Having conversations with individuals talking about your industry, brand, products, and services

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